Network hub of experts dedicated to
pioneering new work and state of the art advisory, consulting, interim management
and staffing services.


We leverage the expertise of cross-generational teams

We believe in diversity. And in the individual experience and competencies of the personalities in our network. That’s why we work in teams of former top managers and Digital Natives who combine leadership experience, industry know-how and expertise with project management skills and digital competence. Supported by highly specialized experts we leverage the complementary know-how of different generations.

Agile network of experts for tailored, on-demand staffing

We believe in agile networks rather than static teams. Our teams are staffed on-demand for the respective task and carefully selected to meet our clients’ specific needs. Via crowdsourcing from various networks and social media platforms, we are able to provide true experts for the specific task who know the situation of our clients from their own experience. Regardless of whether we act as external consultants, provide interim managers, recruit a new team of employees or combine all three components: What ultimately counts for us is that our clients can rely on receiving tailored support quickly and flexibly.

Sustainable pioneering

We are convinced of our quality. That’s why we are happy to agree on success-related fees with our clients. This is an additional incentive for us and security for our clients. You may ask: Why are we able to work like this? Simply because we build on the principles of digitization and the Sharing Economy. We use the expertise of independent experts, do not invest in physical infrastructure such as expensive office spaces, but instead utilize a virtual infrastructure and work remotely from home or coworking spaces.


We are different

We love and live New Work. Our experts, whether freelancers or permanent employees, not only have extraordinary freedom to design their work in the way that best suits their life, they also learn from each other every day by working in cross-generational teams with a culture based on trust, embracing diversity and nurturing individual work-life-wellbeing. That’s why we are constantly rewarded with five-star-ratings on employer rating portals such as kununu or Glasdoor. That’s why more and more former top managers, digital natives and other experts join our network.


These are the awards we won along these years